Due to the fact that my international friends react on this site i will put so now and than some info in englisch. First of all meself ,Jacqueline, Marleen ,Ruud , Inge and Isa wants to thank everybody for the very nice reactions . It ’s a great gift from you all to give us this support . As you imagine we had better days but we have to deal with the new situation .
I returned to work again and starting to prepare meself for the Chemo’s wich soon will be started . We decided to do this by training such as fitness and bicycling . I have also the idea to do also some Joga activities. Also the team of Fitness Factory is preparing an improvement in the field of the meals,drinks and special food . At this time i have no pain and the mind is positive so it’s good. I have/feel no limatations, as an example tomorrow I am going to do some motortraining . So you see the acceptation phase is over and we are going foreworths again. I see this challenge like a competition . So I have to prepare meself;, set the mind positive and lets go . I really hope to be in Trondheim and in Aras de Los Olnos .